Simple, Elegant Cards - Phyllis


Our design team is filled with talented artists and crafters who love stretching their creativity and using our lasercut chipboard pieces in new ways - and we love that! Sometimes, though, our pieces are given a chance to be featured "in the raw" as a focal point. It gives us such a new appreciation of how beautiful they are on their own. 

For these two beautiful cards, Phyllis featured our Flourish Guitar and Bird Cage 1. To make them pop  without any alteration, she used layers of scrapbook paper, lace trim, cheese cloth and crocheted elements that bring such an elegant touch. 

Sometimes the mixed media techniques can be overwhelming to someone who loves our chipboard and doesn't feel "creative enough" to use them - we hope you're inspired to try them out on their own in your projects. 

{And P.S. - you are creative enough ;) }


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